Client testimonials

Company Director
“This has been an incredibly positive life changing experience for me.  I started out feeling depressed after a bereavement and divorce, and I was generally dysfunctional in interactions with others. This has turned around completely.  I now feel more alive, more accepting of myself and others, and better equipped to deal with life.”  

Sales Executive
“After years of chronic depression and anger, I’ve started living more in the present, focusing on listening to myself and what I really want. Making choices has become easier. I’ve stopped feeling angry.  I feel more solid in myself now, more real.  I don’t need the big dreams anymore, I’m enjoying the everyday things in life and it’s good.”

Health Professional
“I feel so much better about myself, I’ve stopped punishing myself, if things happen that upset me I deal with them now, I don’t swallow them anymore. I’ve realised that for me this [bulimia] is all about avoiding real life. I’ve learned how to think about things in a different way. My relationships with others are much more rewarding and I’m excited about my future. I feel really proud of myself.”

“I’ve stopped being angry about my marriage ending and have started to look forward … I’m feeling more in control of myself and my life … if you had told me what my problems were it wouldn’t have worked, I needed to find out for myself – with you there, us exploring together”